Kids Music Showcase


Calling out to all kids who play an instrument and love to perform! 

This is the venue for you!

What is your musical style? Instrument Vocals, Guitar, Fiddle, Piano, Bass, Percussion, Mandolin, Banjo, etc……

Create your own Band!

Top 3 winners in each age category will perform Saturday May 18th at the Golden Road Gathering.

Submission Requirements

Age groups: 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18

• Any genre of music style.
• Polished performance.
• One song no longer than 3-5 minutes.

• Kids can group themselves if they want to do duet, trio, full band, etc.
• Applicants will create a video submission of their performance

• Performers may have an accompanist or provide a backing track for vocal performances 

(Accompanist must be ticketed guest, backing track on iphone perferred).

• Parent permission is required and a completed application.

• Winners will receive a day pass for the performer and 1 accompanying adult

How to Submit

1. Download & Submit the PDF Application Below

2. Post to a personal Facebook or Instagram account andtag @GOLDENROADGATHERING & HASHTAG #GRGKIDSSHOWCASE
(OR) Email directly to: MUSIC4CHILD@YAHOO.COM

Download Application